Save the Date: End of Year Party, June 7th 5-7pm

JOIN US for a celebration of the end of school and beginning of summer.  The Home Owner's Association is sponsoring a BBQ on June 7th from 5-7pm located in the culdasec of Pomel Drive.

The Association will provide meat (and a vegetarian option), and waters, and you're encouraged to bring a side or dessert, and any other beverage you prefer.

The city's fire and police stations are also supporting the event and will be onsite with their firetruck and a squad car for the kids.

The Association will have a table to help answer any questions you may have that pertains to the Association, and we will look forward to introducing the new Board of Directors.

Bring lawn chairs and games and get ready to meet your neighbors!  

**If you are willing to help supply a grill, please contact us HOABOARD@REATTAMEADOWS.ORG